What is UnderstandingTV (UTV)?
UnderstandingTV.com (UTV) is your 24/7 online, on demand resource for the Word of God taught with simplicity and understanding. UTV contains a collection of messages from Pastors Michael and Connie Smith and other Guest Speakers.
The goal of UnderstandingTV.com is to give people a place where they can be built up, encouraged, and taught the Word God in a very practical way. We have nearly one hundred series (and growing) with many different genres.
UTV is broken up into various channels (e.g., Spiritual Development, Prayer, Family and Relationships, etc.) and within each channel is a vast array of messages grouped into Series. Each Series is designed to change lives and impact generations.
Be on the lookout as we will be adding more series to this site in the months to come. Please feel free to share UnderstandingTV.com with those you know and let us know how it has changed your life for the better.